Sampler Track Controls

The track list for sampler tracks contains controls and parameters that allow you to edit your sampler track.


Mutes the track.


Solos the track.

Track name

Double-click to rename the track.

Record enable

Activates the track for recording.


Allows you to route incoming MIDI signals to the selected MIDI output. For this to work, open the Preferences dialog, select MIDI, and activate MIDI Thru Active.


Opens the Channel Settings window for the track.

Open/Close Sampler

Opens/Closes the Sample Control in the lower zone.

Read Automation

Allows you to read track automation.

Write Automation

Allows you to write track automation.

Show Lanes

Divides the tracks in lanes.

ASIO Latency Compensation

Moves all recorded events on the track by the current latency.

Bypass Inserts

Bypasses the inserts for the track.

Bypass EQs

Bypasses the equalizers for the track.

Bypass Sends

Bypasses the sends for the track.


The listen indicator is lit if the track is in listen mode.

Edit In-Place

Allows you to edit MIDI events and parts on the track in the Project window.


Disables all editing of all events on the track.

Toggle Time Base

Switches between musical (tempo-related) and linear (time-related) time base for the track.

Freeze Channel

Opens the Freeze Channel Options dialog that allows you to set the Tail Size time in seconds.