Instrument Track Inspector

The Inspector for instrument tracks contains controls and parameters that allow you to control your instrument track. It shows some of the sections from VST instrument channels and MIDI tracks.

The top section of the instrument track Inspector contains the following basic track settings:

Track name

Click once to show/hide the basic track settings section. Double-click to rename the track.


Opens the Channel Settings window for the track.


Mutes the track.


Solos the track.

Read Automation

Allows you to read track automation.

Write Automation

Allows you to write track automation.

Open Device Panels

Allows you to open the instrument panel.

Input Transformer

Opens the Input Transformer dialog that allows you to transform incoming MIDI events in realtime.

Record enable

Activates the track for recording.


Routes incoming MIDI to the selected MIDI output. For this to work, open the Preferences dialog, select MIDI, and activate MIDI Thru Active.

Toggle Time Base

Switches between musical (tempo-related) and linear (time-related) time base for the track.


Disables all editing of all events on the track.

Freeze Instrument Channel

Allows you to freeze the instrument.


Allows you to adjust the level of the track.


Allows you to adjust the panning of the track.


Allows you to adjust the playback timing of the track.

Show Lanes

Divides the tracks in lanes.

Load/Save/Reload Track Preset

Loads or saves a track preset or reverts the default presets.

Input Routing

Allows you to specify the input bus for the track.

Activate Outputs

This control is only available if the instrument provides more than one output. It allows you to activate one or more outputs for the instrument.

Edit Instrument

Allows you to open the instrument panel.


Allows you to select a program.

Drum Map

Allows you to select a drum map for the track.

Instrument Track Inspector Sections

Apart from the basic track settings that are always shown, instrument tracks provide other Inspector sections. These are described in the following sections.


Allows you to create and edit TrackVersions.

Chords Section

Allows you to specify how the track follows the chord track.

Expression Map Section

Allows you to use the Expression Map features.

Note Expression Section

Allows you to work with the Note Expression features.

MIDI Modifiers Section

Allows you to transpose or adjust the velocity of the MIDI track events in realtime during playback.

MIDI Inserts Section

Allows you to add MIDI insert effects.

Instrument Section

Shows the audio-related controls for the instrument.

Notepad Section

Allows you to enter notes about the track.

Device Panel Section (Cubase Pro only)

Allows you to display and use device panels.

Quick Controls Section

Allows you to configure quick controls to use remote devices, for example.