Saving a Project Template File

You can save the current project as a template. When you create a new project, you can select this template as a starting point for your new project.


Remove all clips from the Pool before you save the project as a template. This ensures that references to media data from the original project folder are deleted.


  1. Set up a project.
  2. Select File > Save as Template.
  3. In the New Preset section of the Save as Template dialog, enter a name for the new project template.

  4. In the Attribute Inspector section, double-click the Value field of the Content Summary attribute to enter a description for the template.
  5. Click the Value field of the Template Category attribute and select a template category from the pop-up menu.

    If you do not select a category, the new template will be listed in the Hub in the More category.

  6. Click OK to save the template.