Converting MIDI Controllers into Note Expression data

You can also convert the MIDI controller data on the controller lanes into Note Expression data.


  1. Open the MIDI part in the Key Editor.
  2. Make sure that the MIDI controllers to be recorded are activated in the “Note Expression MIDI Setup” dialog.
  3. On the MIDI menu, open the Note Expression submenu and select “Convert to Note Expression”.

    The MIDI data of the types you specified in the Note Expression MIDI Setup dialog is converted from controller lane data into Note Expression data, leaving the corresponding controller lanes empty.


During this process, the program searches for notes that are sounding at the same time as the controllers and if several notes are playing at the same time, the same Note Expression parameters will be attributed to them, with the same values.


When converting MIDI controllers into Note Expression data, release phases are automatically created where necessary, so that no controller data is lost during this process.


When you are editing the MIDI notes after the conversion, it might be necessary to consolidate the controller data.