Adding a keyboard symbol

The Other section contains a piano keyboard symbol, useful in educational scores, for example. The symbol has the following properties:

  • To insert the keyboard symbol, select it from the Inspector, click with the Draw tool at the desired position and drag a box to specify the approximate size of the keyboard.

  • After you have inserted the keyboard symbol, you can drag its edges to resize it vertically or horizontally.

  • If you right-click on an inserted keyboard symbol and select “Properties” from the context menu, a dialog opens allowing you to specify further properties for the symbol.

    You can also double-click on an inserted keyboard symbol to open this dialog.


Governs the width of the keys.

Start Note

This is the leftmost note in the keyboard symbol.

Show Note Names

If this option is activated, each C key is displayed with note name and octave (C1, C2, etc.).

White/Black Keys transparent

Activate these if you want the white and/or black keys to be transparent.