Using “MIDI Channel 1–6”

This feature makes notes automatically appear on the correct string according to their MIDI channel value.

Normally, the program automatically decides on which string to display a note, by looking at the pitch and then putting the note at the lowest possible string. You can then either manually move a note to the correct string, or use the “MIDI Channel 1–6” option to let the program move the notes automatically.


  1. Many guitar synthesizers are able to transmit each string on a different MIDI channel. If you have such an instrument, set it up so that the high E string transmits on MIDI channel 1, the B string transmits on MIDI channel 2, etc.

    This feature can be used for MIDI string instruments with up to six strings.

  2. Record the project. Quantize and edit it as desired.
  3. Make sure that the “MIDI Channel 1–6” option is activated and convert the notes into tablature, as described above.
  4. The notes are automatically placed on the right strings.

    For example if you played a “B” on the low E-string, it appears as a “7” on that string, not as a “2” on the A-string.