Import Into Project

This section offers several options for importing the resulting mixdown files back into the existing or into a new project.


When you play back the reimported file in the same project, mute the original tracks so that you only hear the mixdown.

  1. Pool

    Imports the resulting audio file automatically back into the Pool as a clip. Deactivating this option also deactivates the Audio Track option.

  2. Audio Track

    Creates an audio event that plays the clip on a new audio track, starting at the left locator. Activating this option also activates the Pool option.

  3. Pool Folder

    Allows you to specify a Pool folder for the clip.

  4. Create New Project


    This option is only available for uncompressed file formats for which the Use Project Audio Folder option in the File Location section is deactivated.

    Activate this option to create a new project that contains an audio track for each of the exported channels, as well as the signature and tempo track of the original project.

    The tracks will have the corresponding mixdown file as audio event. The track names will be identical with the export channel names. Note that the new project will be the active project.

    Activating this option disables the Pool and Audio Track options.


If you activate any of the options in this section, the Import Options dialog opens for each exported channel when the export is complete.