Hearing the network audio

If you are using an external mixing desk, hearing your audio really is not an issue – just plug the outputs of each computer into the desired channels on the external mixing desk, start playback on one of the computers, and you are good to go.

About This Task

However, many people prefer to mix internally inside the computer and just use a desk for monitoring (or maybe not use any external mixer at all). In this case you will need to select one computer to be your “main mix computer” and send the audio from your other computers into this.

In the following example, we assume you are using 2 computers, with computer 1 as your main mix computer and computer 2 running 2 additional stereo audio tracks, an FX channel track with a reverb plug-in and a VST instrument plug-in with stereo outputs.


  1. Set things up so that you can listen to the audio playback from computer 1.

    In other words, you need an unused set of outputs, such as an analog stereo output, connected to your monitoring equipment.

  2. On computer 2, route each of the 2 audio tracks to a separate output bus.

    These should be busses connected to the digital outputs – let’s call them Bus 1 and 2.

  3. Route the FX channel track to another VST System Link bus (Bus 3).
  4. Route the VST instrument channel to yet another bus (Bus 4).
  5. Go back to computer 1 and check the corresponding 4 VST System Link input busses.

    If you start playback on computer 2, the audio should “appear” on the input busses on computer 1. However, to mix these audio sources you need actual mixer channels.

  6. Add 4 new stereo audio tracks on computer 1 and route these to the output bus you use for listening, such as the analog stereo outputs.
  7. For each of the audio tracks, select one of the 4 input busses.

    Now, each computer 2 bus is routed to a separate audio channel on computer 1.

  8. Activate monitoring for the 4 tracks.


If you now start playback, the audio from computer 2 will be sent “live” to the new tracks on computer 1, allowing you to hear them together with any tracks you play back on computer 1.