Slicing Audio

Slicing audio is useful if you want to change tempo and timing of the audio without affecting its pitch and quality.


The audio event is opened in the Sample Editor and the hitpoints are set at the correct positions.


When slicing audio, all events referring to the edited clip are also replaced.


Perform one of the following actions:
  • In the Hitpoints section, click Create Slices.

  • Select Audio > Hitpoints > Create Audio Slices from Hitpoints.


The areas between the hitpoints are sliced and become separate events. The original audio event is replaced by an audio part containing the slices.

On playback, the audio plays back seamlessly at the project tempo.

After Completing This Task

Change the project tempo. The slices are moved accordingly, keeping their relative positions within the part.

Double-click the sliced audio part and replace or extract individual slices in the Audio Part Editor.