Functions Menu

The Functions Menu contains tools and shortcuts for settings and functions in the MixConsole.
  • To open the Functions Menu, click Functions Menu in the top right corner of the MixConsole.

Scroll to Selected Channel

If this option is activated and you select a channel in the Visibility tab, the selected channel is automatically displayed in the Fader section.

Copy First Selected Channel’s Settings

Copies the settings of the first selected channel.

Paste Settings to Selected Channels

Pastes the settings to the selected channels.


Opens a submenu where you can increase or reduce the channel width and the rack height.

Open Audio Connections

Opens the Audio Connections window.

Control Room Cue Channels

Opens a submenu where you can activate/deactivate cue channels and change level and panning settings.

Constrain Delay Compensation

Allows you to activate/deactivate the Constrain Delay Compensation that keeps all channels in perfect sync and automatically compensates any delay inherent in VST plug-ins during playback.

Direct Routing: Summing Mode On/Off

Allows you to feed your signals to several outputs at the same time.

After Fader Listen Mode (Cubase Pro only)

Allows you to enable/disable that the signal of a listen-enabled channel is routed to the MixConsole channel after applying the fader and pan settings.

EQ/Filter Transition

Allows you to change the EQ/Filter Transition mode from Soft to Quick.

Save Selected Channels

Saves the settings for the selected channels.

Load Selected Channels

Loads the settings for the selected channels.

Global Meter Settings

Opens a submenu where you can set up the global meter settings.

Reset MixConsole Channels

Allows you to reset EQ, insert, and send effect settings for all or selected channels. Solo and mute buttons are deactivated, the volume fader is set to 0 dB, and pan is set to the center position.

Link MixConsoles

If you opened more than one MixConsole, you can link them.