Connecting Cubase to GoPro VR Player

This example shows you how to connect Cubase to GoPro VR Player version 3.0.5.


You have downloaded GoPro VR Player version 3.0.5 from, and installed it on your local computer or on another computer in your network.


  1. In GoPro VR Player, select File > Preferences.
  2. On the Video Decoding page, select Windows Media Foundation as Backend.
  3. On the Primary/Secondary page, select Secondary as Communication Mode.
  4. On the Controllers page, select Off for Head-Mounted Display SDK.
  5. Close the GoPro VR Player preferences menu.
  6. In Cubase, select Project > GoPro VR Player Remote.
  7. In the GoPro VR Player Remote window, click Select Video File, and select the video file in the file dialog.

    This allows Cubase to remote-control GoPro VR Player. The file selection is saved in your Cubase project.

  8. Select the Video Stereoscopy format of the selected video file.
  9. Enter the IP Address/Port of the computer where the GoPro VR Player is running.

    By default, IP Address/Port is set to the local computer.

  10. Activate Send Head-Tracking Data.

    This sends the head-tracking information of a connected VR controller to GoPro VR Player.

  11. Activate Connect to sync the transport of GoPro VR Player with Cubase.


GoPro VR Player is controlled by the transport of Cubase and head-tracking data that is sent from a VR controller connected to your system.