Monitoring Ambisonics Audio via a Multi-Channel Speaker Configuration

The Control Room Main channel allows you to listen to Ambisonics audio via a multi-channel speaker setup. For decoding Ambisonics audio to a multi-channel format, the Main channel automatically uses VST AmbiDecoder.


  • You use a multi-channel studio monitor system.

  • In the Audio Connections window, you have set an Ambisonics output bus as main mix, and enabled the Control Room.


  1. In the MixConsole, route your audio tracks to the Ambisonics output bus.
  2. In the Downmix Presets section of the Control Room, select the preset that matches your speaker setup.
  3. In the Channels section, make your settings on the miniature view of VST AmbiDecoder or double-click it to open the plug-in panel.


You can listen to Ambisonics audio via your multi-channel speaker setup.