Envelope-Based Pitch Shift

On the Envelope tab, you can specify an envelope curve as a base for the pitch shift.

Curve Kind buttons

Determine whether the corresponding envelope uses Spline Interpolation, Damped Spline Interpolation, or Linear Interpolation.

Envelope display

Shows the shape of the envelope curve over the waveform image of the audio selected for processing. Envelope curve points above the center line indicate a positive pitch shift, curve points below the center line indicate a negative pitch shift. Initially, the envelope curve is a horizontal, centered line, indicating zero pitch shift.

  • To add a curve point, click the curve.

  • To move a curve point, click and drag.

  • To remove a curve point, click and drag it outside the display.

  • To remove all curve points, click Reset above the envelope display.

Pitch Shift Settings


Allows you to determine the vertical pitch range of the envelope. Moving a curve point to the top of the display shifts the pitch by this value.


Allows you to specify the amount of pitch shift in semitones.


Allows you to specify the amount of pitch shift in cents.

Algorithm Settings

Time Correction

Activate this option to shift the pitch without affecting the length of the audio. If this is deactivated, raising the pitch shortens the audio section and vice versa, much like changing the playback speed on a tape recorder.

MPEX 4 Preset

Allows you to select an MPEX 4 algorithm.