Transpose Track

The transpose track allows you to transpose the entire project or sections of it. This function is useful if you want to create harmonic variations.

For this function to work, you must add transpose events. These transpose events allow you to transpose specific sections of your project in semitones.

  • If your singer does not reach a certain pitch, you can transpose the entire project by adding a transpose track and creating a transpose event with the value -2 semitones. After recording, set the transpose event back to 0.

  • If you want to brighten up your loops in C major, you can transpose them by adding a transpose track and creating a transpose event with the value 5. This transposes them by 5 semitones, so that the subdominant on F major is played back.

  • If you want to make your song more interesting, you can transpose the last chorus of your project by adding a transpose track and creating a transpose event with the value 1.