
You can add time at the end of the rendered audio when applying plug-in effects.

Adding tail avoids that a reverb tail or a delay effect is cut off. Tail is added at the end of the event, and the event is automatically resized.

  • To add tail when applying a plug-in effect, click Activate Tail on the Direct Offline Processing toolbar, and specify a value in milliseconds.

  • This setting works globally for all events.

  • Tail is only added if you add plug-in effects. If you add audio processes, for example Gain, no tail is added.

  • If you add tail to an event that you have manually resized before, the tail is added, but the event length is not adjusted automatically. Therefore, you must manually adjust the event. In this case, the tail is mixed with the underlying audio clip.

  • You cannot use Activate Extend Process Range and Activate Tail at the same time.