Setting up the Independent Track Loop

The independent track loop is a sort of mini-cycle, affecting only the edited part. When the loop is activated, the events in the parts within the loop are repeated continuously and completely independent. Other events (on other tracks) are played back as usual. The only interaction between the loop and the regular playback is that, with every iteration of the cycle, the loop starts again as well.


  1. Activate Independent Track Loop on the toolbar.

    If you activate Independent Track Loop, the Link Project and Lower Zone Editor Cursors function is automatically deactivated in the lower zone editor.

    If it is not visible, right-click the toolbar, and add the Independent Track Loop section.

  2. Ctrl/Cmd-click in the ruler to set the start of the loop. Alt/Opt-click to set the end of the loop.

    You can also edit the start and end positions of the loop numerically in the fields next to the Loop button.


The loop is displayed in blue in the ruler.


The events are looped as long as the Loop button is activated and the Audio Part Editor is open.