Pitch Editing with Reduced Pitch Visibility

If you edit pitches and you reduced the pitch visibility using one of the Select Pitch Visibility Options, you must consider some general program behavior.

As a general rule, you can only move note events to pitch positions that are visible. This applies to moving note events upwards/downwards with the mouse, using the corresponding key command, or using the cursor keys.


If you want to access specific pitch positions that are not displayed, you have the following possibilities:

  • To move note events to pitch positions that are not visible, use the Pitch value field on the info line.

  • To move note events by octaves, select the note event and press Shift-Up Arrow to move it up an octave or Shift-Down Arrow to move it down an octave.

  • To move chord notes, open the Chord Editing section and activate an option in the Inversions or Drop Notes section.

In all these cases, the note display and the piano keyboard display extend to show the new pitches.