Editing in the Markers Window

In the Markers window, you can select, edit, add, move, and remove markers.

  • To select or edit a marker, click on it.

    Select multiple markers by Shift- or Ctrl/Cmd-clicking them.

  • To add a position marker at the cursor position, click Add Position Marker.

    A position marker is added at the current project cursor position on the marker track.

  • To add a cycle marker at the cursor position, click Add Cycle Marker.

    This adds a cycle marker between the left and right locators on the marker track.

  • To move position markers or the start of cycle markers to the cursor position, select the markers. From the Functions pop-up menu, select Move Markers to Cursor. For cycle markers, this operation moves the end of the marker accordingly.


    Alternatively, you can enter the new position numerically in the Position column.

  • To remove markers, select them, and click Remove Marker.