Adding Poly Pressure Events

You can add poly pressure events to your note events. Poly pressure events are events that belong to a specific note number, that is key. For each poly pressure event you can edit the note number and the amount of pressure.


  1. Open the Controller Selection and Functions pop-up menu and select Poly Pressure.

    When Poly Pressure is selected on the Controller Selection and Functions pop-up menu a note number value field is shown to the left of the controller display.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click a key on the keyboard display to set the note number.

    • If you have selected poly pressure for several controller lanes, enter the note number in the lower value field to the left of each lane.

    The selected note number is displayed in the upper value field to the left of the controller display.

  3. On the toolbar, select the Draw tool, and add a new poly pressure event.

    You can determine the amount value by moving the mouse up or down in the controller display.

After Completing This Task

Select a different note number and add poly pressure events for this.