Writing automation using remote controls

Automating the MixConsole using a remote control device is done in the same way as when you operate on-screen controls in Write mode. In order to replace existing automation data for a control, the computer needs to know how long the user actually “grabbed” or used the control. When doing this “on screen”, the program simply detects when the mouse button is pressed and released. When you are using an external remote control device without touch-sensitive controls, Cubase cannot tell whether you “grab and hold” a fader or simply move it and release it.

Therefore, when you are using a device without touch-sensitive controls and want to replace existing automation data, pay attention to the following:

  • If you activate Write mode and move a control on the remote control device, all data for the corresponding parameter is replaced from the position where you moved the control, up to the position where playback is stopped.

    In other words, as soon as you move a control in Write mode, it remains “active” until you stop playback.

  • Make sure that you move only the controller you want to replace.